Lord, Will You Judge Those That Don't Like Me?

Psalm 35

This Psalm can be divided into three groups of verses:

The Psalm consists of David’s complaint, his prayer, and his promise to praise.

David’s Complaint:
David has enemies that are giving him a hard time, and he says he did not do anything to provoke them.
In fact, David says to God that he treated these people like brothers and friends during the hard times in their lives, and when he is going through a hard time, David says these enemies got together to slander and plan things against him.

David’s Prayer:
David asks God to fight for him against these enemies. He asks God how long it will be before God punishes these people.

David’s Promise:
David promises God that he will praise God for taking care of his enemies.

The Application to our Lives:
1. Remember, Proverbs 26:27 - Those that dig a pit, will fall into it.
2. David asks God to vindicate for him, he doesn’t take matters into his own hands.
3. Remember, Provers 24:17-18 - Rejoice not when your enemy falls, If God sees you do this, He could turn around His wrath for the bad people.
4. All unsaved people will face God’s judgment.
5. Remember, Matthew 5:44 - Pray for those that deceitfully use you.
6. Remember, II Thessalonians 1:6 - God is not turning a blind eye to your enemies. He sees them and what they are doing.

God’s Reply: God does not reply back to David in this Psalm. We need to learn to pray our petition and then leave it in the Lord’s hands. We need to appreciate God’s long-suffering (patience) towards the unsaved. He is giving them the opportunity to repent according to His own timetable, not ours.

What Does a Child of God Look Like After They have Conquered Their Fear?

Psalm 34

Setting - I Samuel 21:10-15
David ran to Philistia, away from King Saul, but he became afraid when the Philistines recognized him. David was afraid they would kill him, because of Goliath. David pretended to be insane so the king would let him leave.

When afraid, these commands are given to us to do.

  • Magnify the Lord

  • Exalt His name

  • Hearken to God

  • Taste and see that the Lord is good

  • Keep your tongue from evil

  • Depart from evil

  • Do good

  • Seek and pursue peace

Three options to do when we are afraid.

  • Look within ourselves and be miserable. See our worthlessness

  • Look around and be distressed over what you should be doing

  • Look up to God and be blessed with His understanding

Ten promises from God in this chapter

  1. The Angel of the Lord encompasses round about you and delivers

  2. You will not be in wanting

  3. God will provide for your needs

  4. God hears our cry and He watches over us

  5. God will get rid of the evil people

  6. God delivers you out of all your troubles

  7. God saves and heals a broken heart

  8. God delivers you from your afflictions

  9. God keepeth your bones

  10. God redeems your soul


  • David sought the Lord and God says come. Fear me and you will not have anything else to fear.

    When a Believer conquers their fear they should:

  • Praise God

  • Realize that they are not alone

  • Realize that they are satisfied in God alone

  • Realize that God cares about them and is involved in their life

What is Your Heart's Song?

Psalm 33

  1. Rejoice in the Lord
    Revelation 4 - There will be rejoicing to the Lord in Heaven

  2. Music is part of praise and worship

  3. Make a joyful noise

  4. God’s Word is right and done in truth

  5. God loves righteousness

  6. The Heavens were made by God’s word
    Proverbs 8:20 - God gave the water its decree

  7. God controls the seas

  8. The people of the earth should and will stand in awe of Him.

  9. God contains the oceans where they are

  10. Devices = the heathens’ schemes and philosophies

    12. God’s people are blessed, whom He hath chosen, Israel

    13. God sees from heaven, the hearts of men.

    14-15. God considereth their hearts and their works

    16. No one can save a king, not even a host of people

    17-18. God is the only one that delivers someone, with their strength
    God knows me and He intently watches me, sustains, preserves and delivers

    19. God provides miraculously for His people

    20-22. We should wait, rejoice, trust, and hope in Him. According to that, He will give us mercy.

    Sing unto the Lord a song.

How do I Maintain Sweet Fellowship?

Psalms 32

1-2: David says his behavior crossed the line and missed the mark because of his twisted nature.1
Transgression - to step across the line, go out of bounds
Sin - missing the mark, the bulls-eye on God’s holiness
Iniquity - A bent or twisted nature
Guile - deceit, intentional deception

3-4: David says the sin took away his strength and weighed heavily on him

5: Acknowledge- to own up to the sin by saying my or mine
Admit - you admit, but down own what you’ve done wrong

6: There is a limit to God’s long-suffering

7: Shows God’s grace

8: God speaks and assures David that He will guide him with His eye

9: Are you going to run to sin, like a horse runs, or stay in sin, like a mule would be stubborn and stay still? It takes a bit and bridle to control these two animals.

10: There’s joy in the Lord
God forgets iniquities with His forgiveness after our confession Hebrews 10:17

From What is the Direction of your Life?

Psalms 31

1-3: From what is the direction of your life when the wicked prevail against you?

4: From what is the direction of your life when the wicked has trapped you?

5-6: From what is the direction of your life when the wicked lie and deceive me and seem to prosper?

7-9: From what is the direction of your life when you are consumed with grief?

10: From what is the direction of your life when you are dealing with the consequences of your sin?

11: From what is the direction of your life when your friends forsake you, fail you, and are embarrassed by you?

12: From what is the direction of your life when it seems you are forgotten and no one cares about you?

13: From what is the direction of your life when others slander you?

14: Can we like David:
vs. 1 - Trust God?
vs. 2 - Pray and seek Him?
vs. 5 - Commit and surrender to God’s working?
vs. 19, 24: Rejoice in the hope, strength, and promises of God?
vs. 23: Love Him?
vs. 20: Seek His presence?

Can we ask ourselves: How good am I at seeking God’s presence in my life?

Is God Keeping You From the Perils of Prosperity?

Psalms 30

vs.1 - David says he is willing to praise the Lord for the victories over his enemies.

vs. 2-4 - David had afflictions in his life, but God helped him through them. God can use afflictions to teach us something.

vs. 5 - God’s anger only lasts for a moment, and it’s for His purpose.

vs. 6-7 - David acknowledges he will not be moved from his place of importance, but he gives God the glory for his placement.

vs. 8-12 - God answers David’s prayers and David acknowledges that.

Can I Hear God Speaking?

Psalms 29

The Voice of the Lord as described in Psalm 29 by David.
- on the water, thundering
- powerful, majestic
- it breaketh cedars
- divides flames, fire
- shakes the wilderness, earthquake
- makes the hinds to calve

Notice the instances in this chapter of the word “give”. We need to do this in our worship.
Giving in our worship acknowledges God’s strength and glory. When we do this it elevates God and then we lower ourselves.

The voice of the Lord….. Is it an exception or the norm?

1 Kings 17-19: We look at Elijah when the Word of the Lord “came” to him. We also note that “the Lord passed by”.
- do we miss his voice?

Elijah felt like he was the only prophet left in the world.
The wind came, but God was not in the wind
The earthquake and fire came, but God was not in those either.
He wasn’t in the noticeable things in this instance.

God was in a still, small voice. Elijah had to get out of the storm to hear God speak.

The normal is God speaking to us in a still, small voice. The exception is hearing God in the powerful stuff.

God is speaking, but are you listening?

The Importance of the Discipline of Waiting

1 Samuel 22:1-23, Psalms 27:1-14

David seeks assylum for his Father and Mother in Moab because it was the land of his Great Grandmother (Ruth). This is the setting for Psalms 27.

Psalms 27

vs. 1-4: David expresses seeing clearly our ultimate destination

vs. 2: God was acting on David’s behalf.

vs. 3: War will always rise against us.

vs. 4: David is looking to a future destination
- David desired fellowship
-Waiting is trusting

vs. 5-10: Prayerful dependence on God is essential
- 1 Samuel 22: 1,5: David is hiding. The prophet told him not to hide anymore.

vs. 5: God will hide us

vs. 6: God will encourage us

vs. 7: We need to have a desire for the Lord to hear us
- God keeps His word

vs. 8:: We need to keep our eyes on the Lord

vs. 9: We need to desire to be near Him

vs. 10: Waiting is praying

vs. 11-14: We need to want for God to move on our behalf

vs. 11: We need to be teachable, a willingness to learn
- seek my face
- I need Light so we can see clearly what direction to go.
-Waiting is Learning

vs. 12: We need to wait in the midst of our enemies

vs. 13: Faith keeps us from fainting

vs. 14: Wait on the Lord

Jeremiah 17:5-8 Cursed is the man that trusts in men. Blessed is the man that trusts in the Lord.

Where do You Stand?

Psalms 26

David’s Attitude
vs. 7-9 David is thankful, he thanks God for the believers

David’s Behavior
vs. 4-6 David is not part of vain people, hypocrites, or evil people

David’s Character
vs. 1, 2, 11 David is a real person wherever he is. True to himself and others. He stands, and walks with integrity. He is not persuaded by sinful people

David’s Devotion
David never worshiped other gods.

David stands in the congregation of the Lord

Delivered From Wrath

I Thessalonians 4:13-5:11

vs 13 - Paul tells the people in the church at Thessalonica; don’t be ignorant concerning the dead. They did not know what happens to the saved dead people.

vs. 14 - The Comfort of the Redemption

vs. 15 - The Comfort of the Resurrection

vs. 17 - The Comfort of the Raptures

5: 1-11 - The Comfort of the Reunion

Jesus Will Reign Part Three

Seven Main Points that Favor Premillennialism

Daniel 7

vs 8 - The Kingdom of the Messiah clearly follows the appearance of the Antichrist (Little Horn)

vs 9 - The prophecy requires the visible kingdom of Christ to follow the kingdoms of the Gentiles. It does not run concurrent with them. Christ’s Kingdom is established after the overthrow of all other kingdoms.

vs. 14 - The visible kingdom of Christ succeeds the final form of Gentile dominion ruled by 10 kings and finally by one king who reigns for 3 1/2 years. Neither kingdom has appeared yet.

vs 22 - The visible kingdom of the Messiah takes over the other kingdoms in power and glory.

Daniel 9:25 - The kingdom of the Messiah is a Jew which is not true of any present kingdom of Christ on the earth.

Christ’s kingdom will be similar to the ones that preceded it, that is, visible and earthly.

The Beasts have their dominion taken away but judgement and destruction are delayed for a season and time.

How will Jesus reign?
Ps. 27 - vs. 5 - He will strike through kings. vs 6 - Judge the nations.
Zachariah 14:9 - the Lord WILL be king over all the earth. vs 16 - Those that remain WILL worship the King and keep the Feast of the Tabernacles. vs. 17 - Those that do not obey will have no reign or power given to them. Judgement WILL be given.
Revelation 5:9 - the Saints will be singing a new song. Jesus will be realized as the Savior. vs 10 - We are made kings/priests, we WILL reign on the earth. We WILL have a job to do.

The Seven Attributes of God

Psalm 23: 1-6

Key word in this chapter is “MY”.
This word tells us we have a choice, an affection toward the Shepherd, a possession.

  1. The Lord is my Shepherd (Jehovah-Ra)
    Can you show how He is your Shepherd?
    Are you content with His provision and peace?

    I shall not want.
    The Lord is my Provider (Jehovah-Jireh)
    Genesis 22: 8, 14 Abraham offers Isaac in the form of a sacrifice. Isaac asks where is the
    lamb. Abraham replies that God will provide Himself (as a ) lamb.
    Ecclesiastes 5:10 He who loves silver is not satisfied
    Acts 17:28 In Jesus Christ is our being, (He is enough)

  2. He leadeth me beside the still waters.
    It is peaceful here.
    The Lord is our Peace. (Jehovah-Shalom)
    Judges 6:24 Gideon has torn down the idols and built an altar to worship God. He names
    the altar, Jehovah-Shalom.

  3. He restoreth my soul.
    The Lord is our healer. (Jehovah Rapha)
    Exodus 15: 25-26 Moses tells the people to obey God, they will then not have the
    afflictions, diseases, plagues that God had to put on the Egyptians when the Israelites
    were in Egypt.
    Notice though that David does not say, He restoreth my body, in contrast, it is soul.

    The Lord is our righteousness. (Jehovah Tsidkenu)
    Jeremiah 23 Jeremiah says that God will be called the Lord our righteousness when Israel
    and Judah dwell safely forever.

  4. Thou art with me.
    The rest that we have is not from the absence of problems, but instead from the presence of God.
    The Lord is always present, always near. (Jehovah Shammah)
    Ezekiel 48:35 Talking of the city of Jerusalem, being called The Lord is There.

  5. and 6. In the presence of mine enemies
    We are able to eat and enjoy the blessings that God gives us because the
    Lord is our Banner/Victory. (Jehovah Nissi)
    Exodus 17 The Israelites defeat the Amalekites and Moses builds an altar and calls it Jehovah Nissi, because he knows that the Lord is our Banner.

The Diary of Jesus on the Cross, Part Four

Psalm 22: 14-31

The scene changes in this chapter from the spiritual world, now to the physical world of Jesus on the Cross

vs 14 - poured out like water, empty, spilled out, beaten and broken
He has no strength
My heart is like wax. - He has lost a lot of blood.
Psalm 69:20 Reproach hath broken my heart

vs 15 - He has not strength. His mouth and tongue are so dry, He can’t speak right.

vs 16 - He is surrounded by his enemies. Dogs have compassed me. They have pierced my hands and my feet
John 9:32, John 19:25

vs. 17 - I may (count) all my bones. He is stripped naked. They look and stare at him.

vs. 18 - They parted his garments. This is accounted for in all four gospels. People have calloused hearts while Jesus is suffering.

vs 19-21 - A switch takes place here, back to the spiritual sufferings
Save me from the lion’s mouth (Satan)
Horns of the unicorns, translated wild ox.

vs. 22 - Jesus declares victory now
Luke 23:23 These evildoers prevailed against Jesus in the past.

vs 23-24 Jesus is talking to us in this verse. He does not despise our afflictions.
Matthew 27:50-53 Many saints were raised from the dead after Jesus’ resurrection.

vs 25-26 This is our chance to praise Him

vs 27 - All shall worship before Him
Revelation 6:12-17 Jesus shall break the wicked. He is coming.

vs 28 - The Kingdom is the Lords. He is the governor.
I Kings 12:12 This is where they stop giving God the Sabbath years
I Kings 12:15 The cause of this was from the Lord.

II Samuel 5:12, 7:16, I Chronicles 17:12 - God promised David’s throne would be forever.

vs. 29 Talking about the people in vs 27

vs 30 -31 We shall serve Him. Everything He did is finished.

The Diary of Jesus on the Cross, Part Three

Psalm 22: 11-12

11 - Jesus says that trouble is near
Jesus confined Himself to a body. He could see into the spiritual realm even though He was confined in the physical realm.
Hebrews 4:14 - Jesus is our High Priest, who was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin
Hebrews 5 - Jesus knew that God could save Him from the cross. He went to the cross willingly.

12 - Jesus says that many bulls of Bashan have compassed me
Bulls of Bashan is the whole evil spiritual realm working and waiting for Jesus to fail

These evil spiritual forces affect us to do their bidding.
I Chronicles 21 - Satan influences David to sin by numbering the people
Job - Satan was the cause of all his troubles
Zechariah 3 - Satan is present in this passage to accuse the high priest
Paul says in his letters that Satan hinders them.
Satan tempted Jesus in the wilderness.
Satan filled the hearts of Ananias and Sapphira and influenced them to lie.
Satan influenced Eve to eat the forbidden fruit.
John 13:25 - Satan enters Judas Iscariot at the Last Supper

Satan worked and affected the people around Jesus’ cross to have them say to Jesus, “Save yourself.”
Satan did not want Jesus to complete His work on the cross.

Satan tempts us too:
1. to doubt God’s Word
2. to provoke others
3. to look at our human resources instead of His
4. to torment us physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually
5. to tempt us to sin

Satan used giants in the Promised Land to:
1. discourage God’s people
2. break unity of the 12 spies
3. deny truth that God would help them
4. defy God
5. deter spiritual progress

The Diary of Jesus on the Cross, Part Two

Psalm 22: 7-10

7 - Jesus Christ is scorned and laughed at
Isaiah 53:12 He was numbered WITH the transgressors, and He made intercession for us
He made intercession even for the people that were mocking him.
Where would I have been in the crowd, mocking or crying?
Mark 15:28 The Scripture was fulfilled, He was numbered. The mockers say, “Save thyself”.

8 - Matthew 26:53 Jesus says that all He has to do is call for a legion of angels, but He didn’t
Hebrews 11:35-36 Chapter 11 lists the Heroes of the Faith. They were also mocked

9-10 - Jesus left heaven and entered Mary’s womb
He confined Himself to a body, which He took with Himself back to Heaven, and we will worship Him, with His human body, during eternity.
Galatians 4:4-5 Jesus Christ was made of a woman, it does not mention and mortal man.
Matthew 1:16 The incarnation. Mary was the vehicle for Jesus Christ coming to earth.
John 1:14 We beheld His glory, He was begotten of the Father
Philippians 2:5-8 He was equal to God, but still was human
Luke 1:35 Mary was told that the Holy Spirit would overshadow her for the conception of Jesus. The Holy One would be called the Son of God.
Hebrews 10:5 Jesus Christ has come into the world, we prepared His body for being our transgressions

The Diary of Jesus on the Cross

Psalm 22: 1-6

vs. 1: “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” This is the fourth saying by Jesus Christ while He was on the cross.
Matthew 27:46, Mark 15:34, Psalm 22:1 - All recount this statement by Jesus.
The Trinity of God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit were perfectly united until this time.
Psalm 22:20 - The phrase “my darling” = my only Son, deliver me
Hebrews 1:18 - God can not look on iniquity
Romans 3:25-26 - The word propitiation here means “atoning sacrifice”. This atoning sacrifice is something that only Jesus Christ can do.
Jesus Christ can declare us guilty, but He becomes condemned for us.
Jesus Christ is just - He declares sin.

vs. 2: Isaiah 1:15 - God turned His back on Jesus Christ while He was on the cross
God can not hear you while being guilty of sin
Isaiah 59: 1-2 - You are separated from God when you are guilty of sin
Jesus Christ was separated from God when He took our sins on Himself.

vs. 3-5 - Jesus Christ knows that God delivered the Israelites in times past
Exodus 3 - God heard their cry and delivered them

vs 6 - the word “worm” in this verse is the word “Tola” in the Greek and it means scarlet, worm
Jesus Christ was our scarlet worm, He shed His blood for us.

The scarlet worm attaches herself to a tree and lays her eggs.
The larvae hatch and eat the dead mother.
Red liquid runs from the mother’s body down the tree.
People remove the dried, red bark from the tree and grind it to make a red powder.
The dead mother worm then turns a pure white color, which the people use to make a shellac to preserve wood.

Exodus 36:8 - The Priest would wear Tola
The Tabernacle curtains made from Tola
Matthew 27:28 - Jesus Christ wore a scarlet robe, Tola.