Psalm 34
Setting - I Samuel 21:10-15
David ran to Philistia, away from King Saul, but he became afraid when the Philistines recognized him. David was afraid they would kill him, because of Goliath. David pretended to be insane so the king would let him leave.
When afraid, these commands are given to us to do.
Magnify the Lord
Exalt His name
Hearken to God
Taste and see that the Lord is good
Keep your tongue from evil
Depart from evil
Do good
Seek and pursue peace
Three options to do when we are afraid.
Look within ourselves and be miserable. See our worthlessness
Look around and be distressed over what you should be doing
Look up to God and be blessed with His understanding
Ten promises from God in this chapter
The Angel of the Lord encompasses round about you and delivers
You will not be in wanting
God will provide for your needs
God hears our cry and He watches over us
God will get rid of the evil people
God delivers you out of all your troubles
God saves and heals a broken heart
God delivers you from your afflictions
God keepeth your bones
God redeems your soul
David sought the Lord and God says come. Fear me and you will not have anything else to fear.
When a Believer conquers their fear they should:
Praise God
Realize that they are not alone
Realize that they are satisfied in God alone
Realize that God cares about them and is involved in their life