Psalm 22: 14-31
The scene changes in this chapter from the spiritual world, now to the physical world of Jesus on the Cross
vs 14 - poured out like water, empty, spilled out, beaten and broken
He has no strength
My heart is like wax. - He has lost a lot of blood.
Psalm 69:20 Reproach hath broken my heart
vs 15 - He has not strength. His mouth and tongue are so dry, He can’t speak right.
vs 16 - He is surrounded by his enemies. Dogs have compassed me. They have pierced my hands and my feet
John 9:32, John 19:25
vs. 17 - I may (count) all my bones. He is stripped naked. They look and stare at him.
vs. 18 - They parted his garments. This is accounted for in all four gospels. People have calloused hearts while Jesus is suffering.
vs 19-21 - A switch takes place here, back to the spiritual sufferings
Save me from the lion’s mouth (Satan)
Horns of the unicorns, translated wild ox.
vs. 22 - Jesus declares victory now
Luke 23:23 These evildoers prevailed against Jesus in the past.
vs 23-24 Jesus is talking to us in this verse. He does not despise our afflictions.
Matthew 27:50-53 Many saints were raised from the dead after Jesus’ resurrection.
vs 25-26 This is our chance to praise Him
vs 27 - All shall worship before Him
Revelation 6:12-17 Jesus shall break the wicked. He is coming.
vs 28 - The Kingdom is the Lords. He is the governor.
I Kings 12:12 This is where they stop giving God the Sabbath years
I Kings 12:15 The cause of this was from the Lord.
II Samuel 5:12, 7:16, I Chronicles 17:12 - God promised David’s throne would be forever.
vs. 29 Talking about the people in vs 27
vs 30 -31 We shall serve Him. Everything He did is finished.