Daniel 7
vs. 1 - The Timing
vs. 2 - 6 - The Three Beasts
The Lion with Eagles Wings
The Bear
The Leopard
vs. 7-8 The Fourth Beast
Ten horns
The Little Big Horn
Daniel 7
vs. 1 - The Timing
vs. 2 - 6 - The Three Beasts
The Lion with Eagles Wings
The Bear
The Leopard
vs. 7-8 The Fourth Beast
Ten horns
The Little Big Horn
Psalms 24: 1-10
vs. 1-2: There is a divine order in the declaration of the world.
vs 3-6: Blessed attendants in the Kingdom
vs 7-10: Joyous reception of the King
The Everlasting Kingdom
Luke 19:11,26
Luke 1: 30-33
Daniel 2:36-44
Daniel 7
Daniel 7:27
Psalm 23: 1-6
Key word in this chapter is “MY”.
This word tells us we have a choice, an affection toward the Shepherd, a possession.
The Lord is my Shepherd (Jehovah-Ra)
Can you show how He is your Shepherd?
Are you content with His provision and peace?
I shall not want.
The Lord is my Provider (Jehovah-Jireh)
Genesis 22: 8, 14 Abraham offers Isaac in the form of a sacrifice. Isaac asks where is the
lamb. Abraham replies that God will provide Himself (as a ) lamb.
Ecclesiastes 5:10 He who loves silver is not satisfied
Acts 17:28 In Jesus Christ is our being, (He is enough)
He leadeth me beside the still waters.
It is peaceful here.
The Lord is our Peace. (Jehovah-Shalom)
Judges 6:24 Gideon has torn down the idols and built an altar to worship God. He names
the altar, Jehovah-Shalom.
He restoreth my soul.
The Lord is our healer. (Jehovah Rapha)
Exodus 15: 25-26 Moses tells the people to obey God, they will then not have the
afflictions, diseases, plagues that God had to put on the Egyptians when the Israelites
were in Egypt.
Notice though that David does not say, He restoreth my body, in contrast, it is soul.
The Lord is our righteousness. (Jehovah Tsidkenu)
Jeremiah 23 Jeremiah says that God will be called the Lord our righteousness when Israel
and Judah dwell safely forever.
Thou art with me.
The rest that we have is not from the absence of problems, but instead from the presence of God.
The Lord is always present, always near. (Jehovah Shammah)
Ezekiel 48:35 Talking of the city of Jerusalem, being called The Lord is There.
and 6. In the presence of mine enemies
We are able to eat and enjoy the blessings that God gives us because the
Lord is our Banner/Victory. (Jehovah Nissi)
Exodus 17 The Israelites defeat the Amalekites and Moses builds an altar and calls it Jehovah Nissi, because he knows that the Lord is our Banner.
Psalm 22: 14-31
The scene changes in this chapter from the spiritual world, now to the physical world of Jesus on the Cross
vs 14 - poured out like water, empty, spilled out, beaten and broken
He has no strength
My heart is like wax. - He has lost a lot of blood.
Psalm 69:20 Reproach hath broken my heart
vs 15 - He has not strength. His mouth and tongue are so dry, He can’t speak right.
vs 16 - He is surrounded by his enemies. Dogs have compassed me. They have pierced my hands and my feet
John 9:32, John 19:25
vs. 17 - I may (count) all my bones. He is stripped naked. They look and stare at him.
vs. 18 - They parted his garments. This is accounted for in all four gospels. People have calloused hearts while Jesus is suffering.
vs 19-21 - A switch takes place here, back to the spiritual sufferings
Save me from the lion’s mouth (Satan)
Horns of the unicorns, translated wild ox.
vs. 22 - Jesus declares victory now
Luke 23:23 These evildoers prevailed against Jesus in the past.
vs 23-24 Jesus is talking to us in this verse. He does not despise our afflictions.
Matthew 27:50-53 Many saints were raised from the dead after Jesus’ resurrection.
vs 25-26 This is our chance to praise Him
vs 27 - All shall worship before Him
Revelation 6:12-17 Jesus shall break the wicked. He is coming.
vs 28 - The Kingdom is the Lords. He is the governor.
I Kings 12:12 This is where they stop giving God the Sabbath years
I Kings 12:15 The cause of this was from the Lord.
II Samuel 5:12, 7:16, I Chronicles 17:12 - God promised David’s throne would be forever.
vs. 29 Talking about the people in vs 27
vs 30 -31 We shall serve Him. Everything He did is finished.
Psalm 22: 11-12
11 - Jesus says that trouble is near
Jesus confined Himself to a body. He could see into the spiritual realm even though He was confined in the physical realm.
Hebrews 4:14 - Jesus is our High Priest, who was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin
Hebrews 5 - Jesus knew that God could save Him from the cross. He went to the cross willingly.
12 - Jesus says that many bulls of Bashan have compassed me
Bulls of Bashan is the whole evil spiritual realm working and waiting for Jesus to fail
These evil spiritual forces affect us to do their bidding.
I Chronicles 21 - Satan influences David to sin by numbering the people
Job - Satan was the cause of all his troubles
Zechariah 3 - Satan is present in this passage to accuse the high priest
Paul says in his letters that Satan hinders them.
Satan tempted Jesus in the wilderness.
Satan filled the hearts of Ananias and Sapphira and influenced them to lie.
Satan influenced Eve to eat the forbidden fruit.
John 13:25 - Satan enters Judas Iscariot at the Last Supper
Satan worked and affected the people around Jesus’ cross to have them say to Jesus, “Save yourself.”
Satan did not want Jesus to complete His work on the cross.
Satan tempts us too:
1. to doubt God’s Word
2. to provoke others
3. to look at our human resources instead of His
4. to torment us physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually
5. to tempt us to sin
Satan used giants in the Promised Land to:
1. discourage God’s people
2. break unity of the 12 spies
3. deny truth that God would help them
4. defy God
5. deter spiritual progress
Psalm 22: 7-10
7 - Jesus Christ is scorned and laughed at
Isaiah 53:12 He was numbered WITH the transgressors, and He made intercession for us
He made intercession even for the people that were mocking him.
Where would I have been in the crowd, mocking or crying?
Mark 15:28 The Scripture was fulfilled, He was numbered. The mockers say, “Save thyself”.
8 - Matthew 26:53 Jesus says that all He has to do is call for a legion of angels, but He didn’t
Hebrews 11:35-36 Chapter 11 lists the Heroes of the Faith. They were also mocked
9-10 - Jesus left heaven and entered Mary’s womb
He confined Himself to a body, which He took with Himself back to Heaven, and we will worship Him, with His human body, during eternity.
Galatians 4:4-5 Jesus Christ was made of a woman, it does not mention and mortal man.
Matthew 1:16 The incarnation. Mary was the vehicle for Jesus Christ coming to earth.
John 1:14 We beheld His glory, He was begotten of the Father
Philippians 2:5-8 He was equal to God, but still was human
Luke 1:35 Mary was told that the Holy Spirit would overshadow her for the conception of Jesus. The Holy One would be called the Son of God.
Hebrews 10:5 Jesus Christ has come into the world, we prepared His body for being our transgressions
Psalm 22: 1-6
vs. 1: “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” This is the fourth saying by Jesus Christ while He was on the cross.
Matthew 27:46, Mark 15:34, Psalm 22:1 - All recount this statement by Jesus.
The Trinity of God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit were perfectly united until this time.
Psalm 22:20 - The phrase “my darling” = my only Son, deliver me
Hebrews 1:18 - God can not look on iniquity
Romans 3:25-26 - The word propitiation here means “atoning sacrifice”. This atoning sacrifice is something that only Jesus Christ can do.
Jesus Christ can declare us guilty, but He becomes condemned for us.
Jesus Christ is just - He declares sin.
vs. 2: Isaiah 1:15 - God turned His back on Jesus Christ while He was on the cross
God can not hear you while being guilty of sin
Isaiah 59: 1-2 - You are separated from God when you are guilty of sin
Jesus Christ was separated from God when He took our sins on Himself.
vs. 3-5 - Jesus Christ knows that God delivered the Israelites in times past
Exodus 3 - God heard their cry and delivered them
vs 6 - the word “worm” in this verse is the word “Tola” in the Greek and it means scarlet, worm
Jesus Christ was our scarlet worm, He shed His blood for us.
The scarlet worm attaches herself to a tree and lays her eggs.
The larvae hatch and eat the dead mother.
Red liquid runs from the mother’s body down the tree.
People remove the dried, red bark from the tree and grind it to make a red powder.
The dead mother worm then turns a pure white color, which the people use to make a shellac to preserve wood.
Exodus 36:8 - The Priest would wear Tola
The Tabernacle curtains made from Tola
Matthew 27:28 - Jesus Christ wore a scarlet robe, Tola.
Psalm 21
God delivers us
God answers prayer
God was here today, yesterday
God preserves us and gives life
God rewards us
God gives us joy
God guards us - defense
God sees our enemies
God is our avenger - offense
God’s wrath is never-ending
God prevents the enemies’ attacks
God subdues our enemies - retreat
God wants us to have fellowship with Him over success
Psalm 20:1-9
This Psalm is a prayer before the battle.
Will military strength alone win the battle?
There is always victory when we stand on the Lord’s side.
Deuteronomy 20:1-3 Moses tells the Israelites; God is with us. Do not be afraid of your enemies.
Verses 1-5: God’s people are praying for the King
1: The people pray for God to act. They know God has to work.
They know they have to rely on the God of Jacob. Jacob was a sinner, but still received God’s grace.
The people know that Jacob’s God is the same God that can help them.
2-4: worship and warfare go together
5: The people know they will win and rejoice before the battle begins
Verses 6-8: David is speaking in these verses
6: David knows God hears him and that God will win.
7: David knows God can be trusted in; not like the chariots and weapons.
David reminds us to not forget the name of the Lord of God.
8: David knows and tells people, the enemy will be brought down. He says to stand, they are the ones that are risen in the battle.
Verse 9 is David and all the people speaking
9: They make their request to God again to save them, and for God to hear them.
Psalm 19:14
Matthew 12:36 - Every idle word you speak, you will give an account for
We all have thoughts and conversations with ourselves going on in our head. They can be:
Good thoughts: I Samuel 30 - But David encouraged himself in the Lord.
Bad thoughts: 2 Kings 5:20 - Elisha instructs Naaman to dip in the Jordan River and is healed from his leprosy. Elisha refuses payment from Naaman; Gehazi goes to Naaman and accepts the reward with a lie to God and to people.
Meditations of the heart are very important.
Proverbs 4:23 - Keep thy heart with all diligence.
David prays in this Psalm for accountability with the thoughts of his heart.
Psalm 19:7-13
vs 7: The laws of the Lord changes a person’s life
vs 8: Purity is important - The standard is God’s Word
vs 9: There is a right kind of fear - it never breaks, it’s always working
God’s Word is true
vs 10: God’s Word is to be desired
vs 11: God’s Word warns the servant to keep God’s Word - He gives us a great reward
vs 12: Veil of sin
vs 13: “Lord, I have a tendency to take things for granted.”
Psalm 19: 1-10
Verses 1-6: God’s glory is revealed in Creation
vs 1 - the heavens shout the glory of God. The firmament shows His handiwork
vs 2 - Day and night tells us of God’s incomprehensible knowledge
vs 3 - the language and message of Creation is a witness of God’s power and is universal, understood by all
vs 4 - The timing and order of the universe is set by God.
vs 5 - The sun is compared to a bridegroom and a strong man that has a purpose of running a strong race
vs 6 - The sun has order too. It gives heat and light to everything, but God created it that way
Verses 7-10 - God’s grace is revealed in His word.
vs 7 - God’s law is perfect, it converts the soul.
vs 8 - Rejoice in God’s statutes and His words
vs 9 - The fear of the Lord is clean. This fear motivates us to be more holy.
vs 10 - God’s word is more valuable than gold and it is sweeter then honey
Psalm 18:34-50
vs 34: The battle begins when we become a child of God
vs 35: God GIVES salvation, God’s hand holds us up
vs 36-38: God fights our battles or helps us fight it
vs 39-40: Sin caused him to take a stand
vs 41: They cried but no one could see them
vs 42-46: Look back and see how God has been with you
vs 47-48: He avenges my enemies
vs 49: He gives thanks among the heathen by giving testimony
vs 50: Sing praise to His name
Psalm 18: 4-33
vs 4 - Fear of God or the fear of man? (the fear of man brings a snare)
vs 5 - Death is certain
vs 6 - In my distress… I leaned upon God
vs 7 - David shook when he saw the Lord moving
vs 8 - God is powerful
vs 9-10 - God came just in time - right on time
vs. 11-12- God is bigger than storms that beset us
vs. 13-14 - God sends storms down on ungodly men
vs 15 - What is the cause of Heaven and Earth moving?
When Christians call out in need.
vs. 16-19 - He delivers us from difficult situations
vs. 20-21 - The Lord rewarded me (imputed righteousness)
vs. 22-23 - David has temptations and tests
vs. 24 - When I confess, I am clean
vs 25-26 - We received mercy so we need to give mercy
vs. 27 - It will come to pass
vs 28 - God will shine in our dark days
vs 29 - David never took credit for the good God did
vs. 30 - God always shows us the right way
vs 31-32 - His way is perfect
vs 33 - He maketh my feet as hinds feet (safe and fearless)
Psalms 18: 1-3
David’s attitude is:
The servant of the Lord
The emotions of love
vs. 1 - I love you. Lord, I am loving you.
love here is a unique word used for man’s love for God
other times it is used for God’s love for man
Psalm 103: 12-13, Psalm 116:5
vs. 2 - David describes his relationship with God
my strength
my rock
my fortress
my deliverer
my buckler
my shield
my high tower
vs. 3 - David looks back
I Timothy 6 - Flee temptations of worldly gain
Psalm 17
vs. 1-4: David’s Confidence
David wants God to hear his prayer.
Psalm 66 - If we regard iniquity in our heart, then God will not hear us.
Isaiah 1 - Disobedience from God’s commandments separates us from God
vs. 5-12: David’s Concern
David does not want to sin against God. David requests that God hear him and keep him from falling into sin.
vs. 13-15: David’s Comfort
David knows that he will be satisfied and not under affliction once he’s with God. It will be a better place then here on earth.
Psalm 16
Where is your joy?
Where do you long to be?
Is it with the Lord?
God’s promises are great and are found in Jesus. Find His promises in His Word.
Psalms 15
vs 1: Who shall abide in thy tabernacle? Who shall abide in the holy hill?
Since Solomon’s temple had not been built yet, where is the holy hill?
The holy hill ends up to be where Ornan’s threshing floor was.
David sinned when he numbered his army. David wanted to give a sin offering to God, but the tabernacle
was in Gibeon, and the Ark of the Covenant was in Jerusalem. Since these two items were separated, David didn’t know where to go to do his sacrifice.
David bought Ornan’s threshing floor to do his sacrifice at. This is the same hill that Abraham went to
sacrifice Isaac back in Genesis, and also this is Calvary’s hill where Jesus was crucified.
vs. 2-5: What do we do to have fellowship and a close relationship with God?
walk uprightly - this is your manner of living
work righteousness - do things Christ-like
speak truth in your heart - your heart is where your desires lie. Your desires will show outwardly without
No backbiting, do not do evil towards neighbors
Despise vile people, honor those that fear God
Keep your promises
Do not take advantage of those that need money. Give loans without interest
Do not take bribes against innocent people
If you do these things you will never be moved from the fellowship of God.
Psalms 14
Chapter breakdown:
vs. 1-3: Mankind is corrupt apart from God
vs. 4-6: God is righteous
vs. 7: Jesus brings peace
A fool says there is no God.
Deuteronomy 32:15 - in this verse, fool means “lightly esteemed”
Isaiah 64:6 - in this verse, fool means to “fade”
A fool is willfully morally deficient, but can be extremely intelligent. They reject God.
Jeremiah 9:23 - wise men should not glory in his wisdom
Jeremiah 10:10 - the Lord is the true God, everlasting King.
A fool is a man who rejects God, denies Creation.
Romans 1:18-20 - a fool holds truth in unrighteousness. God shows us truth, but they turn it into a lie.
Creation is clearly seen, they are without excuse. They have a foolish heart, they became fools when they reject what they know already true.
All people know there is a God.
First Samuel 3:13 - God will hold people accountable for what they know. Every person has a knowledge of God.
Saying no to God, will bring them in great fear because of their judgment to come from God.
Fools shame the poor who call on God.
Jesus will come and bring peace. Israel will be there.
Psalms 13:1-6
We are harboring sin and/or leaving it unchecked
We are failing to keep God in first place
God is testing us
David requests that God consider, hear him, and lighten his eyes
Without God we are helpless and hopeless.
Illumination comes from God revealing truth to us through the Holy Spirit.
Can we see truth apart from God? No.
Are you willing to trust Him even in the silence?
David is able to sing as he realizes he doesn’t have to endure these trials for eternity.
Don’t give up.
Trust God.
Ask Him to help you.