What is Man's Greatest Failure?

Psalms 14

Chapter breakdown:
vs. 1-3: Mankind is corrupt apart from God
vs. 4-6: God is righteous
vs. 7: Jesus brings peace

A fool says there is no God.
Deuteronomy 32:15 - in this verse, fool means “lightly esteemed”
Isaiah 64:6 - in this verse, fool means to “fade”

A fool is willfully morally deficient, but can be extremely intelligent. They reject God.
Jeremiah 9:23 - wise men should not glory in his wisdom
Jeremiah 10:10 - the Lord is the true God, everlasting King.

A fool is a man who rejects God, denies Creation.
Romans 1:18-20 - a fool holds truth in unrighteousness. God shows us truth, but they turn it into a lie.
Creation is clearly seen, they are without excuse. They have a foolish heart, they became fools when they reject what they know already true.

All people know there is a God.
First Samuel 3:13 - God will hold people accountable for what they know. Every person has a knowledge of God.

Saying no to God, will bring them in great fear because of their judgment to come from God.

Fools shame the poor who call on God.

Jesus will come and bring peace. Israel will be there.