We Ought to Practice What We Preach

Romans 2:17-29

17-20: Who Does the Jew Think He Is?
17 - He thinks his ancestral blood justifies him
18-His Law justifies him
19- His light justifies him
20 - His superiority justifies him

21-24: What Does God Think of the Jew?
21 - God says they teach others but not themselves
21 - They preach against theft but steal
22 - They speak against idolatry and rob temples
22 - They speak against adultery and commit it
23 - They boast of the Law and break it
24 - They despise God by being hypocrites

25-29: Who is Purified by Circumcision
25 - Only those who keep the Law
26 - Obeyers would be considered justified
27 - Obeyers would condemn disobeyers
28 - True Jews are not purified externally

We can’t be justified by our own blood, rules, light, nor superiority.
We can’t be justified and live hypocritically.
We can’t be justified by external flesh but only by internal heart and Spirit