Calling on the Name of the Lord who Called You

Genesis 12: 1-9

Vs 1-3 - Promises that God makes to Abram (the Abrahamic Covenant)
A. I will make of thee a great nation
B. I will make thy name great
C. I will bless thee
D. You will be a blessing to others
E. God promises to guide Abram to a land that He will show him

The Abrahamic Covenant is the foundation for all the other covenants that God makes in the future.
It is the gospel of the Old Testament. Abram had faith in God’s promises and it was counted unto him for righteousness. Abram’s faith in God’s promises saved him from an eternity in hell, since God had not sent Jesus to earth to die for our sins yet.

vs. 4 - Abram had to obey and he did so even at the age of 75
God’s call means that we must follow
Sarai and Lot went with him, along with 318 trained soldiers/servants and all of his substance/possessions.

vs. 5 - God may call us to take a wife
Never take her for granted
Take her carefully, make sure she is a good, grounded believer.
Sarai was a blessing to Abram

vs. 6 - God calls us to worship Him in the way
God put enemies in Abram’s path to test him. Abram continued to worship at God at the different places

vs. 7 - God promises land
Abram is not the one who got to own the land of Canaan. Abram’s seed inhabited and conquered some of the land during the time of Joshua. Not all of the land, God promised, has ever been owned by the Jews.
Not until after the tribulation when Jesus comes to reign as king will the land be completely owned by the church.

The LORD talked with Abram. All capitalized letters of “LORD” means Jehovah. Our Savior is talking to Abram. It is significant that Jesus spoke with Abram, that Abram believed Him, and was saved.

vs. 8 - God calls us to worship Him repeatedly
We must never stop acknowledging who God is, thanking Him, and praising Him for his blessings and promises to us. Along with the fact that He sent Jesus to earth to die for our sins so that we can be saved.

The Family of Shem, Part Two

Genesis 11: 19-32, Hebrews 3:1-19

vs. 18: Reu is the son of Peleg

vs. 20: Serug is the son of Reu

vs. 23: Nahor is the son of Serug
This Nahor is the great grandfather of Abram

vs. 24: Terah is the son of Nahor
Terah had 3 sons: Nahor, Abram, and Haran
The Nahor here, is Abram’s brother.

vs. 27: Lot is the son of Haran
Lot is the nephew of Abram, and the grandson of Terah.

Joshua 24:2 - Terah is mentioned here with Abram and Nahor. They were serving other gods before Abram had faith in the one true God.

Abram married Sarai
Nahor married Milcah (his niece, Haran’s daughter)
Haran dies in Ur before his father, Terah, does.

Terah, Abram, Sarai, and Lot leave the land of Ur and go to the land of Canaan, to the city of Haran.

The Roadblock to Wicked Imaginations

Genesis 11:1-9

vs. 1: Man’s one common communication
vs. 2: Man dwelt together versus scattered apart
vs. 3: Man’s subtle plans
vs. 4: Man’s fruits of rebellion
vs. 5: Man needs God to intervene
vs. 6: Man is as evil as he imagines
vs. 7-8: Man needs overruled by God (d/t his evilness)
vs. 9: Man is in spiritual confusion

Approximately 200 years after the flood was the people scattered here at the Tower of Babel.
Genesis chapter ten takes place at God dividing and scattering the people through his judgment using language.
Babel means confusion. Babylon is the place of spiritual confusion.

The Family of Shem

Genesis 10:21-32; 11:11-19

Israel came from Shem’s family.

Eber is mentioned early in the text, in Shem’s family line, even though he was born further down on the list.
God wanted him mentioned up front because the Hebrew race came from him.

Shem lived 100 years into Abraham’s life.

Family Tree:
Elam - the Elamites lived to the right of the Persian Gulf.
Asshur - Assyria
Arpachshad - settled in the Babylon area, but then went back west again
Aram - Syria & Damascus. (When Damascus is destroyed, the end times are very near)
Aram’s sons: Uz, Hul, Gether, Mash

Arpachshad sons: Shelah, Peleg (earth divided during his life [Tower of Babel]), Eber (the word Hebrew came from him.)

Joktan - Saudia Arabia

The Family of Ham, Part Three

Genesis 10: 6-20

13-14: The sons of Mizraim (Egypt)
Casluim (out of who came the Philistines)

15-18: The sons of Canaan

God permitted these enemies of the Israelites to be located on and around the pathway that Moses would take during the Exodus. Also, the enemies (Canaanites) were settled in the Promised Land.

Deuteronomy 20:16-18: God commands the Israelites to destroy all the enemies in the Promised Land, which they did not do.

18-19: The borders of Canaan

The Family of Ham, Part Two

One of Ham’s sons was Cush.
One of Cush’s sons was Nimrod.

The name Nimrod means Rebel.
He was referred to in the Bible as:
a mighty hunter before the Lord
Might One
He was mighty in the eyes of the people
He began a kingdom

At this time in history, there is one language, but people and families were still moving, separating, and multiplying the face of the earth.

These cities were started by Nimrod.
Caineh (in the land of Shinar)
Asshur (also a name for one of Shem’s sons. Could this man have linked up with Nimrod?)
Ninevah, the capital city of Assyria

This was the beginning of the Babylonian Empire. Nimrod and others wanted to exhibit their power by building the Tower of Babel.

The Babylonians were extremely wicked and wanted a one-world order and government.

The Families of Noah Through Japheth

Genesis 9:27, 10:1-15

Deuteronomy 32:6-9, Consider the generations, especially when God divided the nations

9:27, Japheth - mentioned eleven times in the Bible
3rd son of Noah

It is possible that the tower of Babel occurred before chapter ten. See Gen 10:5.

Enlarged - geographical growth, expansion, large family, enlarged tribe, OPEN

Dwell in Shem’s tents = Japheth would have an open-mindness to Shem’s message of salvation and of the Messiah

The Faithful Fall

Genesis 9:18-29

VS. 18-19: The common ancestor of all

VS. 20: Farming: A healthy occupation

VS 21: A precedent of drunkenness

VS 22: To dishonor your God

VS 23: To honor your God

VS 24: Sin shall find you out

VS 25: The unfaithful and curses

VS 26-27: The faithful and the blessings

VS 28-29: Life belongs to God

God Gives us the Noahic Covenant

Genesis 9:1-17

Vs. 1: Remember the Relocation and Reproduction Repetition

Vs. 2: Man’s Fear Factor: Creatures

Vs. 3-4: Man may eat animals, but not the blood

Vs. 5-6: God clarifies capital punishment

Vs. 1 & 7: God does not want us to forget; Relocate and Reproduce

Vs. 8-11: The Noahic Covenant. Never again will the earth be destroyed by a world-wide flood

Vs. 12-17: The Rainbow. The Sign of the Covenant. God sees the rainbow and remembers His promise

Have Faith in a Few More Flood Facts

Genesis 8:1-22 Have Faith in a Few More Flood Facts!

Year600, Month2, Day17 On Ark 7.6,11,12

(40) Waters Increase 40D, 

Waters Prevail (150D)

7.18,24 190D Waters Stop

8.1,2 Deceases

3-12 Y600, M7, D17 Touch Down

4 Y600, M10, D1 Mountain Tops

5 40D Window Opened, Raven, Dove

6 14D Doves 7-12 Y601, M2, D27 Off Ark

13-19 @ 374D On Ark Noah’s Thankful Heart!

20 God’s Satisfied Heart! 21,22


Faith in Flood Facts Demands Forsaking Flood Fables

Genesis 7: 1-24

Vs. 7-10: “8” - eight righteous people on the ark
“2x2” - unclean animals
“7x7” clean animals

Vs. 11: “600” age of Noah when the flood started
“40” It rained forty days and nights

Vs. 12-16: “8” saved

Vs. 17-18: “40” forty days of ocean turbulence/upheaval

Vs. 19-22: “22.5” number of feet the water exceeded the tallest mountain

Vs. 23-24: “150” Number of days the water was on the earth, and the ark was floating

Find Grace in the Eyes of the Lord, Part Three

Genesis 7:1-24

vs. 1: God declares that Noah was righteous
Noah proved this by building the ark

vs. 5 - Noah did all that God commanded him, by faith.
God declared Noah an obedient man in all things

Gen. 8:20 - Noah followed the examples of the faithful

Gen. 9:1 - Grace comes from God. God showed Noah grace by multiplying his family

Isaiah 54:9 - Though God judges, God is a God of mercy and grace. God promises not to flood the entire earth

Matthew 24:37-42 - As in the days of Noah… get ready and stay ready
God’s judgement will surprise people.

Hebrews 11:7 - Noah’s righteousness came by his faith, not by his works. God saved Noah by his faith.

I Peter 3:20 - God is long suffering

2 Peter 2:5 - God saved Noah, by grace, through faith.

Find Grace in the Eyes of the Lord

Genesis 6:8-20

Genesis 1 & 2: Creation, All was good.

Genesis 3 & 4: The Fall and Curse, Things went bad.

Genesis 4: God covers their Sin, God is good. God is gracious.

Genesis 4 & 5: God’s Plan Continues, God executed His plan over a period of 1656 years

Genesis 5:28: God gives life to men and they multiply

Genesis 5:29: God comforts the cursed

Genesis 5:30-32: God uses a righteous family man

Genesis 5 & Luke 3:36-38: God uses righteous men as witness

Genesis 4 & 5: The Fallen find Grace through God and His Followers

Genesis 6:1-7: God promised to destroy the world
Their mixed marriages
God’s strife with man
Wickedness and evil thoughts
God’s repentance and grief
The corruption and violence