Find Grace in the Eyes of the Lord, Part Three

Genesis 7:1-24

vs. 1: God declares that Noah was righteous
Noah proved this by building the ark

vs. 5 - Noah did all that God commanded him, by faith.
God declared Noah an obedient man in all things

Gen. 8:20 - Noah followed the examples of the faithful

Gen. 9:1 - Grace comes from God. God showed Noah grace by multiplying his family

Isaiah 54:9 - Though God judges, God is a God of mercy and grace. God promises not to flood the entire earth

Matthew 24:37-42 - As in the days of Noah… get ready and stay ready
God’s judgement will surprise people.

Hebrews 11:7 - Noah’s righteousness came by his faith, not by his works. God saved Noah by his faith.

I Peter 3:20 - God is long suffering

2 Peter 2:5 - God saved Noah, by grace, through faith.