Find Grace in the Eyes of the Lord

Genesis 6:8-20

Genesis 1 & 2: Creation, All was good.

Genesis 3 & 4: The Fall and Curse, Things went bad.

Genesis 4: God covers their Sin, God is good. God is gracious.

Genesis 4 & 5: God’s Plan Continues, God executed His plan over a period of 1656 years

Genesis 5:28: God gives life to men and they multiply

Genesis 5:29: God comforts the cursed

Genesis 5:30-32: God uses a righteous family man

Genesis 5 & Luke 3:36-38: God uses righteous men as witness

Genesis 4 & 5: The Fallen find Grace through God and His Followers

Genesis 6:1-7: God promised to destroy the world
Their mixed marriages
God’s strife with man
Wickedness and evil thoughts
God’s repentance and grief
The corruption and violence

The Wicked Way and Works to Flee From

Genesis 4:1-15

  1. Don’t forget your roots vs. 1,2

  2. Don’t reject parental training vs. 3-5

  3. Don’t harbor hate and anger vs. 6

  4. Don’t reject God’s gospel, grace, and goodness vs. 7

  5. Don’t refuse to confess sin vs. 8

  6. Don’t be deceitful and a murderer vs. 8

  7. Don’t lie, disrespect, or demote God vs. 9

  8. Cain’s curse becomes the curse of those who follow his ways and works vs. 10

  9. Cain reaped, had diminished productivity, had increased dissatisfaction, had increased sorrow vs. 12

  10. Cain carried unresolved guilt vs. 13

  11. Cain’s fears increased vs. 14

  12. Cain was blessed by God answering his prayer, but still cursed vs. 15

  13. Cain was separated from God vs. 16

The Garden of Eden and the River of Life

Genesis 2:8-14, Revelation 22:1-2

The flood changed the entire earth, but there was nine witnesses of the earth before and after the flood (Noah and his family)

Vs. 8: Eastward in Eden
In order for us to determine where “eastward” is, we need a second reference point, which is not given
Eastward could be translated as a time word instead of as a place. It could be the word “before” in the old

Vs. 9: Tree of Life
God placed Adam & Eve and gave them dominion over everything in the garden, including this tree.

Vs. 10: River of Life
One river came out of Eden, and it parted into four separate rivers.

Vs. 11 & 12: River #1 - Pishon
It was in a land of gold
It could’ve flowed possibly to Egypt and Ethiopia

Vs. 13: River #2 - Gihon
Currently, the Gihon River is located now around Jerusalem
Before the flood, it possibly flowed to Ethiopia
I Kings 1:33,38, 45
2 Chron. 32:30
2 Chron. 33:14

Vs. 14: River #3 - Hiddekel (Currently the Tigris River)
Mentioned in Daniel 10:4, which puts it in the Assyria, Persia area
River #4 - Euphrates
Flows to the Persian Gulf

Revelation 22:1,2
This text refers to the New Heaven & the New Earth
Will be similar to Eden with a Tree of Life and a River of Life

Ezekiel 28:12-16
Satan in Eden
Satan is referred to in this text as the King of Tyre, in God’s Holy Mount
Where is the Holy Mount? Daniel 9:16 - Jerusalem, the Holy Mountain

The Bible points to Jerusalem to be where He created Adam and Eve and placed them in the Garden of Eden.

The Way it was Meant to Be

Genesis 2:1-25
Genesis means the book of generations or the book of beginnings
The beginning is summarized in chapter 2 verses 4-6

Vs 5 - 6: a mist watered the ground (vapor canopy)
things that were created were created with age
no tilling was necessary for the ground

vs. 7: God creates man
and breathed into him a soul
soul - your soul is the seed of your emotions
Genesis 7:22, even the animals had the breath of life
breath of life means spirit, it is possible that there will be animals in heaven.

vs. 8-17 The Garden of Eden
God planted the garden, trees, herbs, etc. with variety
Eden - Garden of Pleasure, Garden of Delight
God created work in the garden
All vegetation had the ability to grow
Two special trees
1. tree of the knowledge of good and evil (do not eat)
2. Tree of life (only for unfallen people)
Purposes of the trees were for pleasure and food

Creation: Day Five

Genesis 1:20-23

Vs 20 : The Sea Creatures & the Fowl Creatures
made abundantly
made after their kinds

Vs 21: Sea Creatures again & Fowl Creatures again

The whale is a what?
Three different Greek words that mean whale in this verse.
Could be a whale (used three times in the Bible, but it may not look like a whale that we think of today)
Could be a serpent (used three times in the Bible, Job asks if he is a whale, Aaron and the magicians’ rods became a serpent like this)
Could be a sea monster (used 1 time in the Bible)
Could be a dragon (used 21 times in the Bible, Job 30:29)

This word whale is never called a fish in the Bible.

Creation: Day Three

Genesis 1:9-13

VS. 9 The water that was under the firmament was gathered together, so that land appeared.
Some scientists say that the land was originally dispersed within the water, and it had no life in it.

VS. 10 The land was called earth
The water were called seas

VS. 11 Plants and vegetation were spoken into existence
With age to it & with seeds to reproduce

Creation: Day One and Two

Genesis 1:1-8

God is powerful and created the Heaven and the earth:
Psalms 33:6-9
Proverbs 8:22-31
Isaiah 40:26
Isaiah 45: 7, 18
Jeremiah 4:23
Hebrews 11:3
2 Peter 3:3-5
Revelation 4:11

  1. What is the meaning of: the earth was without form and void?

  2. What is the meaning of: God moved over the face of the waters?

  3. What is the “light” when the sun, moon, and stars weren’t created yet?

  4. What is the firmament?

God Created it All in Six Literal Days

Creation Week: Genesis 1:1-2:3

God created it all in six literal days

Day one: the Heaven and Earth 1:1-5

Beginnings God created Earth 1:1

God created what He made and made what He created Genesis 1,2

Genesis 2:3 created = made

Genesis 2:4 made = created

Genesis 1:1 and 2:3-4 created = made

Why such a big deal?

Without form and void, 2

GAP and Evolution

Don’t buy into evolution. Exodus 20:8-11