Genesis 2:1-25
Genesis means the book of generations or the book of beginnings
The beginning is summarized in chapter 2 verses 4-6
Vs 5 - 6: a mist watered the ground (vapor canopy)
things that were created were created with age
no tilling was necessary for the ground
vs. 7: God creates man
and breathed into him a soul
soul - your soul is the seed of your emotions
Genesis 7:22, even the animals had the breath of life
breath of life means spirit, it is possible that there will be animals in heaven.
vs. 8-17 The Garden of Eden
God planted the garden, trees, herbs, etc. with variety
Eden - Garden of Pleasure, Garden of Delight
God created work in the garden
All vegetation had the ability to grow
Two special trees
1. tree of the knowledge of good and evil (do not eat)
2. Tree of life (only for unfallen people)
Purposes of the trees were for pleasure and food