Separation is a Good Idea Sometimes

Genesis 21:9-21

vs. 9 - Ishmael’s mockery towards Isaac impacted Sarah

vs. 10 - Sarah was worried that God’s blessing and the inheritance would have to be shared with Ishmael

vs. 11 - Abraham was sad that Ishmael and Hagar would have to leave

vs. 12 - God tells Abraham to listen to Sarah and send them away, even though he loved them

vs. 13 - God tells Abraham that Ishmael will be a great nation

vs. 14-15 - It seems that Hagar forgot that God promised to make Ishmael a nation. Hagar was thinking that she and her son would be dying out there in the wilderness.

vs. 16-21 - The angel of God came to Hagar and opened her eyes to the fountain of water. God promises Hagar that a nation will come from Ishmael.

8.15.21 pm - Separation Is A Good Idea Sometimes - Genesis 21.8-21
Pastor Gary