How Does Sorrow Affect You? Part Two

Psalm 43

The nation of Israel is ungodly. The writer of this Psalm asks God for deliverance from the unjust.

This chapter could have been written when the Kingdom started to divide.

I Kings 11:26-40 - The story of Jeroboam. The Kingdom is divided

II Chronicles 5:25 - Assyria comes and begins to take the Northern tribes

II Kings 17 - Final deportation of Israelites by Assyria
The reason for the captivity is because of the Israelites’ idolatry.

The Assyrians replaced the Israelites in the land with others from other countries. With them came even more ungodly influence on the sourthern tribes.

Hosea 4: 6 - Hosea is the prophet to the northern tribes before Assyria comes in. Hosea warns them that they will be punished for their sins.

How should sorrow affect us?
Psalm 43

vs 3 - Let God be your joy.

vs. 5 - Hope in Him

He (God) is worthy of our praise, even in our sorrows.