Psalms 5 and 6
Chapter Five answers the question: How do I deal with enemies in my family?
Chapter Six answers the question: How do I deal with the enemy of myself?
Chapter Five discusses David’s thoughts as his son, Absalom, is in rebellion against him.
Chapter Six show us how David, the writer, is in such distress.
The background for these two chapters:
2 Samuel 17, I Chronicles 2 -
Absalom pursues his father David
Absalom chooses Amasa, his cousin, to lead the army
Absalom dismisses Joab, a cousin, from leading the army
David is obviously in distress over all of these family problems and issues.
Psalms 5
1-3: Pray and seek God to intervene
4-6: God will deal with sinners
7-8: Seek God’s mercy, be God-fearing
9-10: Sinners flattereth with their lips, be careful who you listen to
11: God will bless and defend those who love Him.
Psalms 6
1-3: David realizes sin’s judgment is painful and he asks God, “How long?”.
God will always forgive you for your sins, but you have to pay the consequences. You do not get to choose the consequences.