Before we answer the question of this chapter, (What is man that thou are mindful of Him?) we have to ask, “Who is God?”
Psalms 8
1 - We find out about the names of God.
LORD = Jehovah, Lord = Adonai
My Master who can meet all my needs
Jews were afraid of pronouncing Jehovah, or even writing it, because it is so reverential.
God’s name is excellent and He is even better than all of the heavens.
2 - God’s strength is ordained in weakness
Matthew 21:14- Children are in the temple praising God. They are setting an example to the scribes and priests. They are showing perfect praise to God.
The power of praising God gives us strength.
3 - God’s power is displayed in creation.
Isaiah 40:12 - God stretched out the universe with the span of His hand.
4 - What is man?
We are insignificant in creation, but God sees us as precious and desires us to draw close to Him,
especially in our bad times. God’s mind is full of us.
Jesus Christ even came to earth, like us. He conformed Himself to a body.
5 - Man is significant to God
6-8 - Man had dominion over creation until he sinned. Jesus Christ helps us to have dominion again.
9 - God has sovereignty over man.
God is bigger than all of my problems. We need to trust Him.
We are significant in His eyes.