Do the Work God Call us to Do

Acts 13:1-7

vs. 1-2: God gifts and call servants
The Holy Spirit told multiple prophets and teachers to separate Barnabas and Saul to do God’s work.

These men were:
Barnabas from Cyprus
Simeon from Niger Africa
Lucius from Cyrene
Manaen from Judea (a godly man brought up with wicked Herod the Tetrarch. Possibly Herod’s step- brother)
Saul from Tarsus
We are all called to be righteous and obey God’s Word.

vs. 3-4: Send those that God calls by the Holy Spirit
The prophets and teachers fasted, prayed, and laid their hands on Saul and Barnabas before sending them
Saul and Barnabas went to the port of Selucia and then to the isle of Cyprus

vs. 5: Preach and teach God’s Word
Saul and Barnabas preached in all of the synagogues

vs. 6: Expect opposition to the faith
Elymus was a false prophet, a sorcerer

vs. 7: Lead anybody that is desiring, to the faith
the deputy or governor was Sergius Paulus. He wanted to talk with Saul and Barnabas and hear the Word of God from them