Monday Morning Quarterback

Galatians 6:7-9

Job 2:11-12, Job’s friends come to comfort Job for 7 days
Job 4:1-2, Eliphaz wants to give his opinion
4:3-6, Tells Job he is a great man
4:7-8, Tells Job he is not without sin. Eliphaz is being a Monday morning quarterback.
4:9-15, He is basing his condemnation of Job on an experience he had (vision/goose bump dream)

I Corinthians 14:3, We are supposed to edify, exhort, comfort the brethren.

Did the innocent suffer? (Job,. Abel, Joseph, John the Baptist, Innocent babies of Bethlehem, 70,000 people died because of David numbering the people, first born of Egypt during plagues)

Job 42:2-6, God is sovereign. Job says God doesn’t have to explain the reasons to him.
42:7-8, God is angry with Eliphaz and friends

Psalms 73:1-17, Struggling in self pity, struggling in self-doubt

Matthew 14:22-25, In the midst of a storm always keep your eyes on the Lord

Philippians 2:14-16, Evaluate all things in the light of eternity

We need to be careful how we look at others’ circumstances
We need to be focused on God and not us
God is never a debtor to mortal man.

Sowing & Reaping: Application & Explanation of Monday Morning Quarterback
When seeing other people going through troubles and trials, don’t think that you know all of the circumstances surrounding what is going on. God can use even troubling circumstances for His glory. Troubles & trials also do not always come to you because of something that you have done wrong.

Grace in Action, Part Two

Galatians 6: 1-6

Who can be overtaken by a fault?
- Review of the men from last week
- Adding a look at Naomi this week

What should happen to this one overtaken?
Romans 15:1
2 Timothy 2:24-26

Self-deception is the worst kind of deception
- We are to be careful how we restore a fallen believer
- We are to consider how easily we can fall, the same way and be humble and meek in dealing with others

VS 2: Bear each others burdens. Burdens in this verse means “a weight”.
You should not say of others, that’s their own fault they have that burden.
The Law of Jesus Christ is not the same as the Law of Moses, it is a law of love.

VS 4: This verse does not refer to boasting. When we rejoice in ourselves, we are humbled and realize that we can’t do things ourselves, but only with God’s help.

VS 5: Every man shall bear his own burden. Burden in this verse means, a role/a service/a ministry.
God has a purpose for each of us.
Ministry has everything to do with people, not things.

A look at Naomi. Ruth 1 &2
Naomi doubts God’s plan and love for her since her husband and sons are dead. She is blaming God.
Ruth marries Boaz. Boaz means “to strengthen”. That’s how we should be to others, a strengthener.

”I’m not much but God can do great things.”
Am I doing my part? Am I willing to let Jesus use me for His purpose to restore another believer? Will I give Him my feet, hands, voice, and time?

Grace in Action

Galatians 6 1-9

The greatest need an unbeliever has is the Lord Jesus Christ.

Biblical examples of Believers that have fallen into sin.
Ham: gossiping about Noah’s nakedness
Abraham: lying about wife, Sarah
Moses: Anger with Israelites
David: lust with Bathsheba
Peter: Self-deception. Thought that he was too good to deny Jesus

How should we deal with others around us, especially believers who have fallen into sin?

John 2:6 - Walk as Jesus walks, if you say you abide in Him

Jesus prays for us.

Bear each others’ burdens - to fulfill the law of Jesus Christ (not Moses’s law)

2 Timothy 2: 24-26 - The servant of the Lord must not strive with men, but be gentle, meek

Do not be self-deceived about yourself. Anyone can fall into sin.

Remember: the Bible does not say that we should fix the other person’s problem, only bear it.

Fruit of the Spirit, Part Two

Galatians 5: 22-26

Peace - in the midst of things around us falling apart, we are bound together to God

Long-suffering - patient endurance

Gentleness - kindness


Faith - faithfulness

Meekness - mild, bendable under pressure as needed

Temperance - self-control

The Holy Spirit will give you love toward someone who is not loving towards you.

Judges 4: 1-21 - Sisera’s army was defeated by the Lord, but there was still responsibilities due inside the tent.
You don’t have to be strong physically, just be willing to follow God’s orders.

Galatians 5:24 - There are no boundaries with the Fruit of the Spirit. It keeps going and going.
We do have to crucify our flesh so we don’t give in to it.

Galatians 5:25-26 - Our manner of testimony needs to be seen if we dwell in Christ.

Romans 13 - Walk in honesty. Put on the Lord Jesus Christ

2 Corinthians 3 - We become what we behold and look at, so look to Jesus Christ

Fruit of the Spirit

Galatians 5: 22-26

“Fruit” is singular, not plural.
The fruit is all unified
All of the fruit is manifested in our life from the Holy Spirit.
The fruit is not ours, but God’s.

Contrasting the fruit with the works of the flesh
Works speak of toil and effort

Fruit grows as the new nature comes from Jesus Christ
2 Corinthians 5:17 - new nature comes from Jesus Christ
Paul compares a Spirit-led life to fruit

How is fruit produced?
All of the elements that produce real fruit (sun, fertile soil, water), come from God
Fruit is produced from a tree/vine that is living.
Numbers 17 - Aaron’s rod budded and it also yielded almonds. (God is the source of life).
Psalms 1:3 - A blessed man is like a tree, planted, fruitful, and prosperous, yielded to God.
Psalms 92:12-15 - The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree, to show that God is upright.
John 15:1-5 - Jesus Christ is the vine, the life. God cares for it. Plants it in fertile soil, waters it. There is a season for harvest.

Fruit is not produced by human effort
It comes from the life of Christ living in you
It is born from trials

Looking at the Fruit of the Spirit:
1. Our Vertical Relationship
a. love - a self-sacrificing, Calvary love. This Divine love always seeks reconciliation. A giving love.
b. Joy - Expectation comes with joy. Psalms 30:5 - Expect joy in the morning. Look forward to it after a terrible night. Luke 2:10 - The angels proclaim great joy which SHALL be to all people. Looking ahead and expecting this joy. Hebrews 12 - Jesus Christ looked beyond the cross to see me. His expectation caused Him joy.
c. Peace - bound together.

The Spoils of the Flesh

Galatians 5: 16-21

The flesh only thinks of the present, not the future.

Those that live defeated by the flesh live like prisoners of war.

Everything done in the flesh will not be rewarded in heaven.

17 Different ways the flesh is manifested is listed in the text.
Additional sexual sins can be found in Leviticus 20:1-23

There are three categories of sins.
1. Sexual Sins
adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness (an unbridled sexual nature)
2. Spiritual Sins
idolatry (anything put above God), witchcraft
3. Social Sins
hatred, variance/strife (a desire to be dominant), emulations (bitterness), wrath (anger), seditions (being divisive), heresies (lies), envyings, murders, drunkenness, revelings (partying)

Mark 7:15-23 Sins are a heart issue
I Corinthians 6:9-11 Ye are washed by the blood of Jesus Christ
2 Corinthians 5:10 Everyone will be before the judgment seat of Christ, so that everyone may receive the things done in his body, whether it be good or bad.

Comparison of Mature Believers to Immature Believers

Colossians 1:9-11, Paul prays for the Christians to be filled with the knowledge of the will of God, to walk worthy of God.

Hebrews 5:1-11, The Superiority of Jesus Christ and His Priesthood, overview

The following Scriptures are used to compare mature/immature believers.
Hebrews 5:11-14
I Corinthians 2:15-3:5
Galatians 6:1
Ephesians 4:13-14, 6:10-17
Philippians 3:3-5, 3:12-13, 4:9
I John 2:14
2 Peter 3:18

Spoils of War, Part Two

The Holy Spirit exposes the flesh for what it is.” Ian Thomas

  1. The spoils of the flesh
    Hebrews 12:16, Genesis 25:22-27, Exodus 37:16
    Esau, acting in the flesh, sold his birthright for a bowl of stew
    Acting in the flesh only thinks of the present, not the future.

    The flesh wants to kill your spirit and put it to death
    Everything done in the flesh will not be rewarded in heaven.
    Flesh and blood cannot enter into the Kingdom of God.
    Our own hearts are deceitful beyond comprehension.

  2. This is our goal
    2 Corinthians 4:8-18
    Manifest Jesus Christ in your life and body
    God always blesses faithfulness when we do it in the right way.

Spoils of War

Galatians 5:19-26

Who is winning in your life? the flesh or the Spirit

As believers, we are all soldiers against the Devil.

  1. Flesh and Spirit at war
    the enemy is the flesh (selfishness)
    The Christians who lives in the flesh is:
    Carnal - I Cor. 3:1-4, Rom 8:6-7
    Cannot please God - Rom. 8:8
    Carnal Christians live selfishly

  2. The Battle Strategy
    Spiritual Warfare
    David said, “The battle is the Lord’s - I Sam. 17:47
    Jahaziel speaks, “The battle is not yours, but God’s” 2 Chron. 20:15
    There is victory in Jesus, our weapons are not carnal - 2 Cor. 10:4-6

Moment by Moment Choices

Galatians 5:16-18

Foundation Verses:
God living in you:
Romans 8:9-11
I Corinthians 3:16
II Corinthians 13:5
Galatians 4:19
Ephesians 4:6
Philippians 2:13
Colossians 1:27
Galatians 2:20

How much is Christ living in you?

Walking in the Spirit

Walking in the flesh

God gives a choice to every man

God will not impose himself on us

Limiting our Liberty by Love?

Love is willing to suffer long

Love is willing to give

Love will not envy

Love will not brag

Love will not think only of themselves

Love will not insist of its own way

Love does not get angry when they don’t get their own way

Love does not keep score

Love does not enjoy the sins of others

Love delights in everything right

Love will cover a multitude of sins

Love will trust

Love will dwell on the positive

Love will not run away

Love does not wither or fade

Limiting our Liberty

Galatians 5:13-15

Liberty is not a license to sin
Romans 5:20, 6:1
When you see a believer acting unloving, you can be sure it is the old nature dominating them at that

What is the commandment that we are to follow?
Ephesians 5:2
Deuteronomy 10:12
Leviticus 19:18
2 John 5 and 6
John 13:34-35
John 15:12-14
Romans 13:8

What is love?
I Corinthians 13
Love is a choice
Love is greater than the Law
Freedom from the Law does not leave us without obligation to our Lord
Love betrayed demands discipline to be restored

First Corinthians 13:1-8
Love is willing to suffer long
Love is willing to give
Love will not envy
Love will not take away
Love does not brag
Love will not think of themselves
Love will not insist on its own way or get angry when we don’t get our own way
Love doesn’t keep score
Love delights in every thing right
Love will cover a multitude of sin
Love will trust
Love does not run away
Love does not wither or fade

First Corinthians 8:9
Limiting our liberty for the sake of others

Liberty, Part Two

Galatians 5:2-3

Cursed in one who breaks the Law. Deuteronomy 27:26

No on can be perfect. Romans 9:31

Righteousness is imputed from Christ’s account to yours. Romans 9:32

Standard of Life for Today’s Christians:
1. Be Spirit Led
2. Be in the Will of God
3. Know you are in the context of Grace
4. You are given the standards in the example of Christ
5. The standards are revealed in the totality of Scripture

Two Sons

Galatians 4:21-5:1

What’s more desirable to you, bondage or freedom?
That’s the difference between law and grace.

Is it worth waiting on God’s promise?
Abraham waited 25 years for Isaac, God’s promise.

Do you ever get tired of waiting?
After ten years, Sarah hatched an idea of doubt and impatience to produce a child through Hagar.

How was Ishmael conceived?
One son was born out of a striving of the flesh. Ishmael was conceived naturally.

How was Isaac conceived?
The son of promise was born supernaturally, by Divine order.

What was the promise to Abraham that would bless the nations?
Jesus Christ, the Savior - through Isaac.

Was the promise only for Jews?
If so, then must one become a Jew to receive the promise? All the believers are children of the promise.

Those born after the flesh still persecute those born after the Spirit

Inclusive-ism is not Biblical.

Today, there are many who live by religion, contrary to scripture, that desire to be included in true religion.

Will you choose to live free in God’s grace till He comes?

The Burden of Ministry

Galatians 4:8-20

The Office of A Servant

Ministry is something we all do

Ministry, as followers of Christ, we all have a place to serve

With our ministry comes burdens

Ephesians 6:5-8, servants be obedient….as unto Christ;

Galatians 4:8-10:
Why go back to the things before you were saved?
Idols, ceremonies, formalism
It does seem that at times you have wasted your time and energy in serving

VS: 12-15:
The blessedness of forgiveness and set free!
Acts 26:28 - Better to know Christ and be a prisoner than a king and not know God

Vs: 16 - The truth in love is always for our good

Vs. 17 - The false teachers have stirred you up but not for the better

Vs. 18 - To be zealously affected
our zeal is to see others grow in Christ

Vs. 19 - Ministry will cause us to travail over others

Vs. 20 - With ministry comes accountability

Ministry at marriage
Ministry at home
Ministry at church (Exodus 31:2, Nehemiah 2:12)
Ministry at work (Ephesians 6:5-8, Colossians 3:24)

Our Identity in Christ

  1. Galatians may very well be the most important book in the Bible in propelling the message of getting the Gospel right!

  2. No other book is more pointed and concise in the effort of answering, “What is the Gospel?”.

  3. What have we learned so far?
    The impossibility of salvation by any form of self effort Galatians 3:2
    The foundational truth of justification by faith alone by Christ alone. Galatians 2:16
    The absolute necessity of God’s grace in a Christian’s life. Galatians 2:21
    The ever-present danger of doctrinal defection. Galatians 1:6
    The Gospel has never changed. Galatians 3:6-14

  4. What defines us as a person?
    Is our identity in what we achieve?
    Is our identity in what we obtain?
    Is our identity in what we possess?
    Is our identity in how others perceive us?
    Is our identity defined by our faith?

  5. Who are we?
    Are we slaves to a merciless Law?
    Are we slaves to sin?
    Are we slaves to the Master of Grace?
    Life’s pursuit if to fine the right Master!

  6. An heir
    Galatians 4:1-3 - We are given right of possession by relationship
    We are given the right of possession to an inheritance of everlasting life and to be with Jesus

  7. A servant
    a servant is hired/ a slave is bought

  8. A child
    we are a child before our faith matures

  9. We are children of God
    We have the spirit of Jesus living in us
    We have access to the Father - not in fear, but in love
    love is the intended motivation to serve and love Christ in all matter of life
    Deuteronomy 15:12-17
    First Corinthians 7:21-22

God's Promise is not Earned

Galatians 3: 15-29

Vs. 16: Only ONE could give the promise of justification

vs. 17: The promise was given before the law

vs. 18: God GAVE salvation to Abraham

vs. 19: God’s promise to Abraham was superior to the law for 3 reasons:
a. It came before the law
b. God gave the promise personally to Abraham
c. The law was temporary

vs. 20: The Law was given by a mediator

vs. 21: The law is not an obstruction to salvation

vs. 22: the law brought about a verdict that all have sinned

vs. 23: the law is like a jailer

vs. 24-25: the law is a schoolmaster

vs. 26: We are a child of God

vs. 27: Baptism pictures our new life and relationship with God

vs. 28-29: We have an amazing spiritual bond with all those in Jesus Christ