What Does God's Word Do For You? The Way of Delight

Psalm 119: 17-24

17 - Deal bountifully with thy servant. He loves us as a child, an heir, a servant is what we do. Everyone is a servant to something or someone.

18 - Open my eyes

19 - I’m a stranger

20 - You’re in an unfamiliar place. Stay close to the Word

21 - There will be opposition but God will take care of us

22 - Own your sin

23 - Come back to the Word of God

24 - What God does in our life is our delight

Introduction to Psalm 119

Psalm 119:1 & 176

Penman for Psalm 119 is unknown

This Psalm is an acrostic poem. Each section starts with a Hebrew alphabet letter, going sequentially.
Each verse in that section also starts with that same Hebrew letter.

The language is figurative

The chapter theme = The Word of God and the God of the Word

8 synonyms are used for the Word of God
21 times the word “commandments” is used. This helps us identify the character of God.
22 times the word “judgments” is used. This helps us identify the conditions to have a correct relationship with people.
19 times the word “testimonies” is used. This helps us identify what God did, is doing, and is going to do.
21 times the word “precepts” is used. This helps us identify the whole of Scripture.
25 times the word “law” is used. This helps us to identify instruction
23 times the word “word” is used. “Word” meaning speech, communication.
19 times the word “word” is used. “Word” meaning promises.

There are 70 prayer requests in this Psalm and God is mentioned in every section at least once.
God’s suffering is mentioned 66 times.

Ask: What does God’s Word do for me?
John 1:1 The Word is Jesus Christ

How much do you value God’s Word?
vs 18: open my eyes
vs. 30: reveal to me spiritual light
vs. 97: Thy law is my meditation all the day
vs. 103: We should love God’s Word more than what we eat.
vs. 127: Love God’s Word more than gold.
vs. 163: We love truth and God’s Word

Applying God's Word

The Believer, no matter the age they live in, has the responsibility and privilege of handling whatever God has put into their hand. This is a stewardship or also called a dispensation.

What God gave to Adam was different than Noah. What God gave Noah was different from Abraham. and for Abraham it was different from Moses, which was also different from Paul.

As we observe what we read, and interpret in God’s Word with this in mind, we come to the part of our study that bears fruit, personal application.

The Word of God does not bear fruit when it is understood but when it is applied.

Personal application with these rules brings us to where we are looking in the mirror clearly. With observation and understanding we can ask what does God’s word mean to me?

Understanding God's Word

Luke 5:36-39

There are two types of Bible interpretation: Literal and Allegorical

Literal seeks the plain sense of the text, looking at the historical setting, comparing Scripture with Scripture when there is figurative and parabolic language.

Allegorical seeks to divide God’s Word into two covenants. One of works the other of grace. The problem of this interpretation is it seeks to explain all relationships the same between God and man from beginning in Genesis to Revelation.

Not every promise in the Bible is mine or for the church.

3 steps in studying the Bible
1 - Observation - What does the passage say?
2 - Interpretation - What does the passage mean?
Who is spoken to?
Is there a figure of speech used?
What is emphasized?
What is repeated?
What is related?
Is there a negative?
Is there a positive?
3 - Application - What does the passage mean to me?

How could I Ever Repay All the Good That God Has Done for Me?

Psalm 116:1-14

1- I love the Lord because He listens to me and hears my prayers.

2 - He always hears me and will continue to as long as I live. He is always the same.

3- The author remembers a time when he was near death and sorrowful.

4 - The author says he called on God and prayed to him.

5 - God is gracious to hear and answer our prayers.

6-11 - The Lord preserveth. Joy is restored.

12 - God will be with us in the valleys.

13 - Jesus took the bitter cup.

14 - We have to do live, die, and keep our promises to God the correct way.

Who or What is the God That You are Trusting? Part 2

Psalm 115:1-18

1- God deserves us to know Him and desire Him

2 - He will not give His glory to idols

3 - He can choose to do what He wants to do

4-7 - Our God dwells in the heavens, not in images made by hands

8 - They that make idols is in a dangerous place

9-13 - The fear of the Lord is wrapped around our relationship with Him

14- The Lord shall increase you

15 - He has blessed us

16 - The earth is given to us, we need to be good stewards

17 -18 - All we do is to be done for the praise of Him.

What is the Secret to Praise and Worship?

Psalm 111:1-10

1- Praise the Lord. God is the object of our praise.

2-5: We are to praise Him

6-8: God is a revealing God

9 - Holy and revered is His name

10- The fear of the Lord - this is the reason we praise Him
Fear is a good thing when it drives you to God.
Fear is a bad thing when it drives you away from God.

Genesis - Abraham feared God.
Isaiah - King Uzziah feared God

Am I Growing in the Lord?

Psalm 108:1-13
1: David’s heart is not fixed on the loss, the loneliness
2-3: He praises the Lord publicly.
4: God’s mercy is great.
5-6: If you are God’s child, you are His beloved.
7-13: Vain is the help of man.
Through God we shall do valiantly.
He is the One that treads down our enemies.