A Victorious Life is a Series of New Beginnings

Psalm 78: 42-65

42-43 - The field of Zoan is the city where Pharoah lived in Egypt.

45 - diverse sorts of flies - more than one kind

49 - God sent evil angels - a regiment of angels, destroying

51 - a listing of the plagues God sent on the Egyptians. Compare to Exodus 8:20, Exodus 9, 11

55 - Israelites’ history story continues with each tribe receiving their inheritance. Compare to Joshua 18.

65 - Israelites forgot what the tabernacle was for and that God was with them there. Compare to I Sam 4 where the Israelites used the Ark of the Covenant as a good luck charm during battle.

Hebrews 3, 4 - unbelief kept the Israelites from receiving all of God’s blessings.

We don’t have to dwell on our failures, ask God for forgiveness and start over.

What Can We Learn From History, Part Three

Psalm 78: 13-42

13 - The Red Sea divided

14 - God’s Presence in the cloud and fire

15 - God Provides with the water from the rock

17-30 - God’s Patience. The Israelites weren’t happy and complained about having nothing to eat but manna

31 - 37 God’s Punishment. God gave them quail to eat and then many died from the plague God sent.

38-42 God’s Pity. God forgave them when they repented

What Can We Learn From History, Part Two

Psalm 78:9-11

Results of Kadesh-Barnea

Kadesh - Barnea was where Moses sent the twelve spies into Canaan. The Israelites did not have faith that God would fight for them and be victorious against the giants in the land.

Ten spies gave an evil report and swayed the Israelites.

Only Caleb and Joshua had faith in God.

Because of the Israelites’ disbelief, led by the tribe of Ephraim, God punished the Israelites with 4o years of wandering in the wilderness and the death of everyone older 20.

Crisis Management

Psalm 77:10-20

10-12 Turning point - Feeling God doesn’t love him and turned against him, BUT he remembered what God would do.
The ways of the Most High
The works of the Most High
The wonders of the Most High

13 - Through the shedding of blood there is remission of sins

14 - The wonders of God, declare His strength

15 - Thou hast redeemed thy people

16 - We are trapped and looking to God

17 - 18 - God was in the pillar of fire and cloud

19 - He came to a place he could not get out of

20- The Lord led His people through Moses and Aaron

Who is to be Feared?

Psalm 76: 1-12

1 - God, the Defender

2 - He dwells in Jerusalem

3 - There is a place where He will do battle

4 - God is excellent

5 - The sleepy are found dead

6 - The Angel of the Lord killed them

7 - Even when we aren’t worthy, He still fights for us

We don’t want to be in front of God but behind

8-12 - God is the Judge

What are We to Do When God Chastens?

Psalm 74:1-23

1-3: Remember your people, Lord!

4-9: When God lets the enemy prevail weakness has a way of reminding us of our needs

10-11: How long must this chastening go on? how long will the enemy prevail?

12-17: When God seems silent and still, remembers what He has done in the past.

18-23: Asaph prays, God please honor your word.
Hebrews 12:11 - No chastening is joyous. It yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness

Is it Really Worth Following God's Way, Part Two

Psalm 73:4-28

4 - What if there is life after death? What have I done to prepare?

5-8 - The wicked gets away with so much sin. Why?

9 - They are proud to spread their philosophy

10 - The people are influenced

11 - They scoff God but He knows what they are doing

12 - The ungodly prosper. They increase in riches.

13 - If you can’t beat them, join them. Asaph’s philosophy

14 - We are plagued with negative news

15-16 - Asaph is afraid that he will cause God’s people lose hope.

17 -He went into the sanctuary where God dwelt, he had to go into God’s presence.

18 - God destroys the wicked in His time

19 - They are brought to desolation in a moment

20-23 - He was brought along by what the wicked said

24 - God’s Word will give you a fresh perspective

25 - 26 - The glory of the Lord filled the house of God.

27 - We don’t want to be far from God

28 - It is good if we draw near to God
Trust His word
Come back to Him

God allows the wicked to prosper but that’s the best they get.

Is it Really Worth Following God's Way, Part One

Psalm 73:1-3

1 - God is good to His people

2 - Not for me - he is discouraged

3 - He’s looking at the contradiction between the fool and the wicked

A: Matthew 28:8 & Mark 16:8
B: Mark 16:5 & Matthew 28:2
C: Luke 18:35, Mark 10:46, & Matthew 20:30

All “contradictions” true with a different perspective.

Asaph has 3 mistakes that he makes.
1. He judges by what he sees
2. He is leaving God out of the equation
3. He forgot about the life to come

Which Son of David is This Psalm Speaking Of?

Psalm 72:1-20

1-3 Righteousness is next to holiness

4 Guard your children

5-6 The Lord gives abundance; the blessings keep coming

7 The Lord will flourish the righteous and give peace

8-9 There is a day coming where the unrighteous shall not prosper

10-13 God sees the unrighteous blood shed

14-15 We should pray, “Lord, come.”

16 Abundance in the mountain tops

17-20 Which son of David?
Luke 1:30-33 - Jesus

Do You Ever Get Too Old for God?

Psalm 71:1-24

David expresses before the Lord his constant need for help.

1-4. God, I Need Your Continual Help

5-6 Looking Back

7-13 Looking Around

14-15 You’re Never Too Old to Give Praise to God

16-17 You’re Never Too Old to Testify of God

18-19 Make a Mark For This Generation

20 You’re Never Too Old to Be Revived by God

21 You’re Never Too Old to Be Used and Comforted by God

23 You’re Never Too Old to Sing to God

24 You’re Never Too Old to Talk About God

What Will Sin Do? Part Three

Psalm 69:29-36

29 - God give me something to look forward too

30- Come worship from the heart. Praise and thanksgiving are important.

31 - True worshipers worship from the heart

32 - We want to leave here praising God

33 - God will not despise even his prisoners

34 - There is praise out in the earth

35 - God will save his city and people

36 - Isaiah 1:10 -17, Jeremiah 7:3 - 24, Matthew 23:23, Acts 4:34-5:11, Micah 6:4-8, John 4:29-24
Formalism is idolatry.
Judgment is needed but also mercy.
Do justly, love mercy, walk humbly.
Worship the Father wherever you are.
True worshipers worship the Father in spirit and in truth.

What Will Sin Do? Part Two

Psalm 69:13-36

13 - Reproach repeated. Salvation comes through the Word of God

14 - David asks God to hear him. Asks God not to let him sink

15 - A good time to pray when things rise up around you

16 - Turn unto Me. Micah 7:19

17 - Hear me, God! Hide not from me

18 - David asks God to draw near to him

19 - God knows our shame

20 - Sin put Jesus on the cross. John 10:17 Jesus says the Father loves me.

21 - gall - pain killer

22 - If they come against David, they come against God.

23 - We need to be able to discern. Romans 16:17 - Mark them that don’t serve God

24 - 26 - Don’t allow them a place in your life.

27 - There will be no unrepentant Christ rejectors in Heaven

28 - God will eventually say, enough is enough

29 - 31 - We don’t want to be drug down… Lord, lift us up.

What Will Sin Do?

Psalm 69:1-13

Sin brings misery and suffering

1 - As if the waters are rising - fear of drowning

2- A slow sinking - the more you struggle the faster you sink

3 - Sorrow is overwhelming - waiting for God to come

4 - They hate me without a cause - John quoted about Jesus

5 - God knows our foolishness and sins

6 - Our sin deeply affected the Son and our Savior

7 - Jesus is our substitute - He has taken our shame

8 - John 7:5 - He became a stranger to His family for us

9 - John 2: 17 - Jesus is cleansing the temple.

10 - We need repentance and own our sin

11 - He ate with Publicans and sinners

12 - Matthew 27:12-13 -

13 - Sin brings shame and contempt

A Psalm of Ascension Part Seven

Psalm 68:19-35

19 - Blessed is the Lord who is our Burden-Bearer

20- What will you do with Jesus? He gives us hope beyond the grave.

21- A Fatal blow. God is our strength. He will wound His enemies.

22- A present fulfillment. God will bring His people from the east and from the west. The regathering of Israel.
Deuteronomy 28:25, 30:1-6
Isaiah 11:10-11
Zachariah 8:7-8
Amos 9:14-15
Jeremiah 25:9,11
II Chronicles 36:20-21
Jeremiah 31:35-36

23-24 - Graphic picture of the destruction of the enemies of Israel

25-26 - There will be music and singing

27-30 - There is harmony among the tribes

31-33 - Nations of the earth worship God